

SSGA is the voice of pedigreed seed in Saskatchewan.  Our members produce high quality seed, adhering to strict quality standards.


As the voice of pedigreed seed in Saskatchewan, SSGA:

  • Maintains effective communication with members of SSGA and all stakeholders in the industry
  • Advocates for and promotes the use of pedigreed seed
  • Acts as a clearinghouse and source of information useful to SSGA members relating to the production of pedigreed seed
  • Develops and maintains strategic alliances that will benefit and strengthen the seed industry in Saskatchewan
  • Practices good governance


The Saskatchewan Seed Growers’ Association is a member-centric organization focused on enhancing pedigreed seed production and the growth of the seed industry in Saskatchewan by:

  • Serving as the official voice of members to industry and government
  • Providing members with learning and networking opportunities
  • Advocating for the issues and policies important to members
  • Building strong relationships with key industry partners.

Contact us


Saskatchewan Seed Growers’ Association
PO Box 22086, Saskatoon SK S7H 5P1
Phone: (306) 786-6266
Email: info@saskseed.ca

SSGA Board of Directors – 2023

President: Kurt Printz
Gravelbourg SK
Phone: (306) 380-7769
Email: printz_kurt@hotmail.com

Vice President: Nick Petruic
Avonlea SK
Phone: (306) 868-2240
Email: petruicseedco.sales@gmail.com

Past President: Mike Shewchuk
Blaine Lake SK
Phone: (306) 290-7816
Email: shewchukseeds@gmail.com

Director: Alica Chalmers
Naicam SK
Phone: (306) 322-7364
Email: olson.alica@gmail.com

Director: Adam Littman
Saltcoats SK
Phone: (306) 744-7708
Email: alittman44@gmail.com

Director: Charlotte Greenshields
Saskatoon SK
Phone: (306) 291-8423
Email: c_greenshields@hotmail.com

Director: Ryan Charabin
Battleford SK
Phone: (306) 447-4741
Email: ryan@charabinseed.ca

National Director: Roy Klym
Regina SK
Phone: (306) 533-8425
Email: klym@sasktel.net

National Director: Ian Bodnaryk
Yorkton SK
Phone: (306) 316-1120
Email: ibodnaryk@hotmail.com

SSGA Board Advisors

Richard Cuthbert, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Hamid Naaem, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Matthew Struthers, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

Bunyamin Tar’an, Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan

Shannon Wandler, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Executive Director: Chris Barker
PO Box 22086
Saskatoon SK S7H 5P1
Phone: (306) 786-6266
Email: chris@saskseed.ca

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