SSGA supports “Field to Glass” barley blockchain project

Through funding received from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial initiative, the SSGA is pleased to support the public awareness segment of the “Field to Glass” barley blockchain project, in partnership with Grain Discovery.  

This project is complementary to another that is building an end-to-end digital system to trace Saskatchewan-grown malt barley through every stage of the value chain – from field to glass.  Collaborating with seed companies, seed growers, farmers, malt houses, breweries, and the seed certification system, this secure system will connect previously isolated data systems and create a new and valuable digital feedback loop between partners.  

This standardized data can be used in multiple innovative ways.  For example, brewers can create a digital passport highlighting the origin story of the barley they use from planting to malting to brewing.  The consumer can scan the QR Code printed on each beer can or coaster and see the entire supply chain journey.  

This modern, digital storytelling will engage consumers and allow the Saskatchewan barley industry and its farmers to differentiate their product and create global brand recognition.  It will also increase public awareness and confidence in their foods’ origin story through this enhanced traceability.

For more details about this project, visit Brewery Discovery.