Variety may not be described in 2025
– – – Insufficient test data to describe
na = Not applicable
Applied for PBR protection at time of printing (UPOV’91)
Plant Breeders’ Rights (UPOV’78) at time of printing
Plant Breeders’ Rights (UPOV’91) at time of printing
Variety Use Agreement in effect
Relative maturity: VE = Very Early, E = Early, M = Medium, L = Late, VL = Very Late
Agronomic Rating: VG = Very Good, G = Good, F = Fair, P = Poor, VP = Very Poor
Disease Resistance: R = Resistant, MR = Moderately Resistant, I = Intermediate Resistance, MS = Moderately Susceptible, S = Susceptible
The information contained herein is provided by the Saskatchewan Advisory Council on Grain Crops. To reproduce this information in whole or in part, permission must be obtained from the council. Please contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Crops and Irrigation Branch, c/o Matthew Struthers at 306-787-4664 or
Breeder seed of public release varieties is available to anyone (including producers and seed growers) for multiplication, increase and marketing. There are no royalties or seed marketing agency fees attached to use or sale of seed produced from breeder seed of public release varieties. While subsequent seed production may be Pedigreed, this is the buyer’s choice and the buyer may increase the seed of public release varieties in any way he/she wishes (only pedigreed seed can be sold by variety name, for most major crop kinds). To purchase breeder seed of public release varieties, contact the breeding institution. Once you have selected a variety using this interactive tool, the breeding institution will be listed at the top of your search report.
Data updated as of March, 2025.